Terms and Conditions


1.1 Terms defined in a Proposal provided to you have the meaning given them in the Proposal, and in this Agreement the following definitions apply:

  • “ACL” means the Australian Consumer Law Schedule of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and its associated Regulations as amended;
  • “BM” means “Brandid Media”
  • “Agreement” means any agreement for the provision of Services by BM to the Client or where BM is engaged on a retainer basis, this agreement for the provision of Services by BM to the Client.
  • “Services” means the “work” supplied as agreed by the parties to be provided by BM to the Client in the form of products or labour.
  • “Client” means the recipient of Services in any engagement with BM
  • “Agreed Expenses” means the expenses agreed to be borne by the Client as set out in the Agreement.
  • “Competitor” means any business which is identical in product or service offering, like for like, where the core business, product or service is identical (eg: A real estate agent or Law Firm, An E-comm business who only sells art).
  • “Confidential Information” means any confidential, commercially sensitive or valuable information belonging to a party in written, oral or computerised form and whether or not marked ‘confidential’ concerning its business, its clients or the Services, and includes without limitation, all financial and business information, client lists, advertising and promotional plans, trade secrets and technical information.
  • “Consumer” is as defined in the ACL and in determining if the Client is a consumer, the determination is made if Client is a consumer under the Agreement.
  • “Marketing Material” means any copyright work or other materials or marketing collateral produced by BM in the provision of the Services.
  • “GST” means the Goods and Services tax as defined in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and its associated Regulations as amended.
  • “Intellectual Property Rights” means all copyright, trade mark rights, design rights, patent rights and rights to keep confidential information confidential.
  • “Client’s Material” means any works, such as text or photographs, provided to BM by the Client to be used in providing the Services.
  • “Proposal” means the proposal document prepared by BM for the provision of Services.
  • “Terms” means these Standard Terms and Conditions.
  • “File Recovery” shall refer to the recovery of any form of client data post-contract, including but not limited to, passwords, content, designs, artwork, reports, data, emails, or any form of asset.
  • “Retainer” means retainer. I.e. An ongoing engagement for the provision of either set deliverables or an hourly allowance.


2.1 Unless otherwise agreed by BM in writing, the Terms of the agreement, including any amendments or additional clauses, apply exclusively to every Agreement and cannot be varied or replaced by any other terms.

2.2 Any Proposal is:

(a) valid for 30 days, and

(b) an invitation to treat only.

2.3 The Proposal forms part of these Terms and, to the extent that the Proposal is inconsistent with these Terms, the Proposal will prevail.

2.4 The Terms are accepted by the Client:

(a) when the Client executes the Proposal;

(b) when the Client requests BM to commence any aspect of the Services; or

2.5 Once the Terms are accepted:

(a) it is deemed that the Services described in the Proposal are an accurate reflection of the Client’s requirements. If the Services described are later found to be incomplete or inaccurate and further work will be required, BM may increase the Fees to account for this change.

(b) If the Client requests any changes or additions to the Services, BM may:

(i) reject the request for the variation;

(ii) increase the Fees to account for the variation; or

(iii) provide a revised Proposal.


3.1 This clause 3 will only apply if BM is engaged on a retainer or monthly basis, as set out in the Proposal.

3.2 The Agreement commences on the Commencement Date and continues for the Term unless terminated earlier in accordance with clause 10.

3.3 At the end of the Term, if neither party has terminated or rescinded this Agreement, then the Agreement can be closed and completed or become a month-to-month agreement (the Continuing Term) e.g. Website Maintenance. The terms of the Agreement shall remain the same for the Continuing Term, except that:

(a) Either party shall be at liberty to terminate the contract the Agreement by providing no less than 60 days’ written notice starting from the beginning of the next period, to the other party;

3.4 Where BM is engaged on a retainer basis, on each 6-month anniversary of the Commencement Date, the Fees will be reviewed by BM. Before any increase in the Fees is effective, BM must provide the Client at least 7 days’ notice in writing.

3.5 If BM is engaged exclusively as indicated in the Proposal, then during the Term:

(a) the Client must not engage any other person or organisation to provide the Services or any services which are similar to the Services;

(b) BM must not enter into any contract with any other person or organisation that is in direct competition with the Client, to provide the Services or any services which are similar to the Services (unless otherwise discussed and agreed – i.e.: by exception) and for a period of 1 month following the termination of services agreement; and

(c) subject to (b) above, BM retains the right to enter into any contract with any other person, or organisation to perform the Services or Services similar.


4.1 BM must obtain the Client’s consent before incurring any expenses, other than the Agreed Expenses.

4.2 Any additional features, functionalities, or other changes to the project requirements may impact the timeline and costs laid out above and will be quoted on a fee-for-service basis. 

4.3 The Client must pay to BM the Fees and any Agreed Expenses within 14 days from the invoice date, in advance of work commencing the following month, unless otherwise agreed. In the instance of a weekly retainer, this must be paid by the Friday of each week.

4.4 For Website or App Development (Project Basis Engagement) A 50% deposit (or otherwise agreed percentage of the total amount) invoice will be raised unless otherwise agreed, payable upon commencement. BM will clearly lay out the payment plan during the initial proposal. Generally, there will be a 30% progress invoice upon approval of designs before commencement of the Build phase, and the final 20% invoice upon completion of development before Launch.

4.5 For Graphic Design and all other project-based engagements, a 50% deposit is required to commence the job, with 50% (or any outstanding costs) to be invoiced and paid by the Client prior to any handover. BM reserves the right to adjust the second instalment to be split as 4.4. Any associated but out-of-scope fees such as printing costs are subject to additional costs, payable by The Client, unless otherwise agreed. In most instances, this will be added to the final invoice or an additional invoice for reimbursement.

4.6 For Hourly Support Services (Website & Technical) – these are available starting from $90+GST per hour. Our minimum support charge covers 1 hour of work, billed upon request to commence work. This non-refundable fee covers diagnostics and investigation, however, the matter may be resolved within this fee if it is minor. Additional work to resolve anything beyond this will be quoted. We do our best to provide upfront and transparent costings, however, due to the variable nature of support, all prices should be considered estimates only. If an invoice is sent with the assumption that an issue has been resolved, but new evidence suggests that it has not been, then continued work remains billable. Unless explicitly specified within the scope, all support work for ongoing accounts is billable. IT Support work is not offered by BM and will be referred to The Client’s chosen IT provider.

4.7 For EMERGENCY Support Services (Website & Technical) – Emergency support is defined as any loss or degradation of a service we supply that is critically affecting the Client’s business that cannot be left until BM’s next availability.  Ad-hoc and out-of-scope emergency support jobs are charged in minimum 2-hour blocks at our premium hourly rate of $150+GST, unless otherwise specified by BM. This will be communicated upfront to the Client.   

4.8 If the Client defaults in payment 7 days after the due date of any amount payable to BM, then all money that would become payable by the Client to BM at a later date on any account, becomes immediately due and payable without the requirement of notice to the Client, and BM may, without prejudice to any of its other accrued or contingent rights:

(a) charge the Client for, and the Client must indemnify BM from, all costs and expenses (including without limitation all legal costs and expenses on an indemnity basis) incurred by it resulting from the default or in taking action to enforce compliance with the Agreement;

(b) cease or suspend supply of any further services to the Client;

(c) by written notice to the Client, terminate any Agreement with the Client; and/or

(d) Charge the Client interest on any unpaid amount payable from the date of the invoice at the rate of 10% per annum, calculated daily and compounded monthly on the first day of every month in respect of the previous month until the amount payable is paid in full.

4.9 Clauses 4.8(b) and 4.8(c) may also be relied upon, at BM’s option:

(a) where the Client is a natural person and becomes bankrupt or enters into any scheme of arrangement or any assignment or composition with or for the benefit of his or her creditors or any class of his or her creditors generally; or

(b) where the Client is a corporation and, it enters into any scheme of arrangement or any assignment or composition with or for the benefit of its creditors or any class of its creditors generally, or has a liquidator, administrator, receiver or manager or similar functionary appointed in respect of its assets, or any action is taken for, or with the view to, the liquidation (including provisional liquidation), winding up or dissolution without winding up of the Client.


5.1 The client must provide BM with all necessary information and assistance reasonably required to perform the Services in a timely manner. BM may refuse to provide the Services until all such information and assistance has been provided by the Client.

5.2 Design Concepts – Our design works will be initially delivered as “concepts”. Concepts may not have final polish applied, will not be “print-ready”, and may have general flaws that will be ironed out in final versions. It will be made clear when the final versions are delivered.

5.3 Design Revisions – Unless otherwise agreed, our design works include two batches of revisions. This ensures the project is completed on-time and on-budget. We are confident in the services provided by our experts and that all deliverables provided are wholeheartedly in your best interests. A revision is classified as: a minor change in details, including but not limited to: wider margins, slight increase/decrease in font size, a minor change in text alignment, a slight colour change or image swapping. Spelling or other errors caused by our designers will not be listed as a revision but should be highlighted to BM in your revision batches or as soon as possible prior to final approval.   

(a) Revisions must be clear and detailed (with screenshots or video if possible), and in distinct batches to ensure efficiency, accuracy and no additional costs    

(b) If a revision qualifies as a complete redesign, additional costs may be incurred.   

(c) Clients will be informed at each stage (to the maximum number of allowed revisions) when a revision phase opens. Feedback, changes or additions must be reserved until such a time and may otherwise be missed

(d) Once you have used up your allowed revision phases, additional revisions can be requested subject to further quotation   

5.4 Content & Delivery – Images and copy for projects and services will be populated by BM unless otherwise agreed. The specific requirements for the production, medium, formatting and provision of content will vary based on the engagement.

(a) All content is to be provided by the Client unless otherwise agreed. Content must be provided in a straightforward format. Proofing must be completed in advance of provision so as not to incur additional fees. Content creation services are available and subject to additional fees. BM agrees to provide basic, general copy where appropriate (e.g. headings), however, any technical, specific or sensitive content will be provided by The Client. Images for websites must be provided as web ready images sized up to 1MB each and be high quality, ready for web inclusion. If they are not provided in this format, BM has the right to refuse this content.

(b) Upon final sign-off/approval, any errors are no longer the responsibility of BM  

(c) Completed design/s will be delivered by email as a link or in standard file formats 

(d) Unless otherwise agreed, websites will be built in a development area.

5.5 Timelines & Project Stages - To plan, map out, design, launch, build and test an entire project takes time. The time taken can change depending on the approval process and correspondence intervals. BM offers with confidence that most delays are on the Client’s end, and promises to do the best to keep things moving.

5.6 For web and app projects, post-launch will be a period after handover where bug fixes can be flagged and included as part of the initial job. BM recommends rigorous in-house testing of all pages/functionalities during this period by the Client. BM’s goal is to remain responsive to any questions and concerns whilst ensuring that decisions are made so that the project can be completed within a reasonable time frame and budget

5.7 Website Launch/Migration – BM’s “standard launch/migration” assumes that The Client’s designated host has sufficient resources to serve our modern websites if the Client elects to manage their own hosting. Where correspondence is required with the host of choice, or changes to the environment, additional costs may arise. Unless otherwise agreed, or extraordinary circumstances create roadblocks, BM will handle the website migration. Email migration may also be subject to additional support and fees.

5.8 Job Archiving - All once-off jobs and projects will be archived after work has ceased and 14 days have transpired since the last communication from BM. If there are frequent delays in communications close to but under this amount, BM may, at their discretion, choose to archive the project with notice to the Client. To recommence work on any archived projects a fee will be incurred by the Client.  

5.9 The client indemnifies BM against all costs, claims, damage, fines, expenses and loss suffered by BM as a result of the Client’s failure to provide correct, accurate and complete information.

5.10 Client Delays and Cancellation: BM shall make five (5) attempts to contact and arrange service commencement with the Client. Failure to respond will give BM the right to terminate the engagement and retain 15% of any deposit as compensation for incurred costs. Should the Client delay the project by not providing required information or fail to engage in timely decision-making, BM shall be entitled to invoice the Client for work completed to date and suspend the project. A reinstatement fee, calculated at 10% of the total project cost, will be applicable to resume the project at a later date.


6.1 Any period or date for completion of the Services stated by BM is an estimate only and not a contractual commitment. BM will use its reasonable endeavours to meet any estimated dates for completion of the Services. If BM cannot complete the Services by any estimated date, it will complete the Services within a reasonable time.


7.1 The Client’s Material must:

(a) be provided in the format specified by BM;

(b) not be indecent, libellous, defamatory, illegal or otherwise prejudicial to the reputation of any third party; and

(c) comply with all laws and codes of conduct, including, without limitation, the Copyright Act 1968, Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and its state and territory equivalent, all regulations and advertising codes of practice.

7.2 The Client warrants that it owns or is licensed to use the Client’s Material that is the subject of any Intellectual Property Rights.

7.3 The Client licenses BM to use the Client’s Material for the purpose of providing the Services.

7.4 The Client indemnifies and agrees to keep BM indemnified against all liability, losses or expenses incurred by BM in relation to, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with, any breach of any Intellectual Property Rights in relation or relating to the Client’s Material.

7.5 The Client indemnifies and agrees to keep BM indemnified against all liability, losses or expenses incurred by BM in relation to, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with, any breach of confidentiality, including but not limited to, the use of human talent, people within the organisation, community members, locations or anything produced in relation to videography or photography. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure all talent is willing to be seen or featured on produced materials.


8.1 If Marketing Material is created by BM, then:

(a) BM will provide the Client with a draft for the Client’s prior approval (“Draft”). The Client must either approve the Draft or provide BM with reasons why the Draft is not approved within 7 days of receipt of the Draft; and

(b) only if the Services specifically include legal compliance, BM will ensure that the Marketing Material complies with the statutory requirements and regulations specified in the Services.

8.2 BM does not accept responsibility for any errors contained in any Marketing Material, except where the Client is a consumer and BM has not used due care and skill.

8.3 The ownership of any intellectual property rights in the design process, the back end software, and any other systems or processes employed by BM utilised in creating the marketing material, shall remain vested with BM. All output (such as clients materials provided) and assets, images, or materials produced by BM will remain the property of the Client.

8.4 The Client gives BM an irrevocable licence for BM to use any and all marketing material produced with or for the client for promotional, marketing, or advertising as required across any channel deemed appropriate by BM. This clause shall not merge on termination of this agreement.


9.1 The Client indemnifies BM for any claims, demands, causes of action, losses and damages (including potential losses), liabilities, costs (including legal costs on an indemnity basis) that may be suffered or incurred by BM as a result of any breach of a term of this Agreement.

9.2 The Client acknowledges that BM has no control over material placed on an external website.

9.3 BM does not warrant:

(a) the uptime or performance of any websites or host in which material is placed;

(b) the number of impressions, hits, clicks on material; and

(c) the success of any material or marketing plan.

9.4 Except as the Terms specifically state, this Agreement does not include by implication any other term, condition or warranty in respect of the quality, fitness for purpose, merchantability, acceptability, description or performance of the Services, or any contractual remedy for their failure.

9.5 If the Client is a consumer, nothing in these Terms restricts, limits or modifies the Client’s rights or remedies against BM for failure of a statutory guarantee under the ACL.

9.6 Except to the extent of any liability imposed by the ACL, BM is not liable:

(a) to the Client in any way arising under or in connection with the provision of the Services;

(b) for any indirect or consequential losses or expenses suffered by the Client or any third party, howsoever caused, including but not limited to loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill or any liability to any other party.

9.7 Nothing in the Terms is to be interpreted as excluding, restricting or modifying the application of any State or Federal legislation applicable to the supply of Services which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.

9.8 The Client warrants that it is solvent at the date of this Agreement. If the Client becomes insolvent or enters administration, the Client will inform Us as soon as reasonably practicable. In that event, We will be entitled to terminate the Agreement immediately.


10.1 This Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the parties or by one party giving the other party 60 days written notice starting from the beginning of the next period (e.g.: if notice is given on the 15th of the month, the 60 days will begin from the 1st of the following month).

10.2 A party (“Non-Defaulting Party”) may immediately terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party (“Defaulting Party”) if the Defaulting Party:

(a) commits a breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach within 30 days of written notice from the Non-Defaulting Party requiring such breach to be remedied; or

(b) acts in a way that is likely to substantially prejudice the reputation or goodwill of the Non-Defaulting Party.

10.3 If the Agreement is terminated by either party in accordance with 10.2, the Licence or right to work under this agreement will immediately terminate and any Marketing Material must be returned to either party on demand.

10.4 Once notice to terminate has been provided, the Client must pay for the Services provided and disbursements incurred up to the Termination Date.

10.5 Upon termination of this agreement and payment of BM’s final invoice by the Client:

(a) BM shall return to the Client all property of the Client, including but not limited to: documents, designs, blueprints, reports, manuals, correspondence, customer lists, software, accounts and all copies thereof relating in any way to the Client’s business. Furthermore, BM agrees that it shall not retain copies, notes or extracts of the aforementioned property.

10.6 Any backups of data provided for the Client pursuant to clause 14.5 of this Agreement, or any other agreement between Us and the Client will be deleted one year after the date of termination of this Agreement.


11.1 BM is not liable in any way howsoever arising under the Agreement to the extent that it is prevented from acting by events beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, industrial disputes, strikes, lockouts, accident, breakdown, import or export restrictions, acts of God, acts or threats of terrorism or war. If an event of force majeure occurs, BM may suspend or terminate the Agreement by written notice to the Client.


12.1 Neither party may use, exploit or divulge to any other person the other party’s Confidential Information other than with its prior written approval or as strictly necessary to undertake its obligations under this Agreement.

12.2 Intellectual Property – Upon final payment and completion of items laid out in this Agreement, all intellectual property and any deliverables created under this Agreement vests in The Client, including designs, drawings and reports. Any background intellectual property owned by The Company or other person prior to the date of this Agreement will not vest in The Client. The Company grants a licence to The Client to allow it full use of the Goods/Services for their usual purpose. We warrant that it owns all intellectual property rights necessary to grant this licence.  The Company reserves the right to use visual representations of the final product as part of a project portfolio. 

12.3 Non-Disclosure Agreement – This Nondisclosure Agreement is entered for the purpose of preventing the unauthorised disclosure of Confidential Information as defined below. In consideration of the Receiving Party’s services with the Company, the Client and any party they represent hereby agrees and acknowledges:   

(a) That throughout the course of this agreement there may be disclosed to the Receiving Party certain confidential information and trade secrets of the Company; said confidential information consisting of but not limited to:   

(b) Technical data: Methods, processes, formulae, compositions, systems, techniques, inventions, machines, software and research projects.   

(c) Business information: Credentials, accounts, login’s and access codes, customer lists, customer information, staff information, pricing data, supplier lists and financial data.

(d) The Receiving Party hereby agree that they shall not during, or at any time following the termination of this agreement with the Company, use for themselves or others, or disclose any confidential information, trade secrets or any other proprietary data of the Company. Doing so will be considered a violation of the Agreement.   


13.1 Nothing in this Agreement is to imply or constitute a partnership, joint venture or employment relationship between the parties.

13.2 Neither party has the right or authority to assume, create or incur any commitment, liability or obligation of any kind against, or in the name of, or on behalf of, any other party except as expressly provided in these Terms.

13.3 The law of NSW from time to time governs the Terms. The parties agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of NSW, the Federal Court of Australia, and of courts entitled to hear appeals from those Courts.

13.4 BM’s failure to enforce any of these Terms shall not be construed as a waiver of any of BM’s rights.

13.5 If a clause is unenforceable it must be read down to be enforceable or, if it cannot be read down, the term must be severed from the Terms, without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms.

13.6 A notice must be in writing and handed personally or sent by email, facsimile or prepaid mail to the last known address of the addressee. Notices sent by pre-paid post are deemed to be received upon posting. Notices sent by facsimile or email are deemed received on confirmation of successful transmission.


14.1 Design & Management System: BM primarily develops websites using WordPress and Shopify, integrating secure, reliable frameworks and plugins standard to these platforms. Sites are customised to client specifications within the constraints of the selected platform’s capabilities. BM provides hosting for WordPress sites through our provider, Concise Digital, which includes regular backups, monitoring, and enhanced security protocols. BM does not assume liability for security breaches but will implement standard protective measures, such as firewalls and regular updates. For more information on hosting and security, clients may contact hello@brandid.media.

14.2 Additional Components: websites will likely use an addition of plugins and add-ons. These plugins and add-ons will only be warranted by BM for a period of 3 months, or will be maintained directly by the hosting company where applicable. Any site not being hosted by our preferred hosting company, will not be eligible for site support without charge.

14.3 Service: We have a strong commitment to fast and personal service relating to your product. If you are in any way unhappy with the service you have received, we welcome your feedback. Likewise, if you feel that you have received quality service, we are always appreciative if you tell us.

14.4 Scope of Project: The understood scope of a project will be itemised and displayed in a quote. Proposal must be accepted by signing and returning the terms and conditions before service can commence. Once a proposal has been accepted, development and design will then proceed based on the understood conditions. As a project undergoes development, it is understood that the scope may change and additional unforeseen costs may become apparent.

14.5 Website Hosting: We provide quality website hosting through our provider – CONCISE DIGITAL. If you choose to use your own hosting, additional charges may apply due to server conflicts with Shopify and/ or WordPress causing subsequent configuration difficulties. Our hosting with CONCISE DIGITAL includes frequent backups and monitoring.

14.6 Warranty & Support: We will supply support for any major technical glitches / bugs for 3 months after the website is launched. Support for use of the website outside of the quoted agreement can be provided in our monthly maintenance packages. Security measures are taken on every site to ensure it is up to date and has a third party firewall extension installed. However, if security is compromised (outside of the 3 month period) on a website and a backup needs to be reverted to, this will happen at the client’s expense.

14.7 Charges & Payment: The charges and payment plan are detailed in the quote. Charges for services must be paid by the due date provided on an invoice. If an invoice is unpaid 7 days past the due date and no prior agreements have been made, services related to that invoice may be withheld until payment is received. Upon commencement of the project, 50% (where applicable) must be paid up front with the full amount for the project being received no later than 3 months after commencement of the website (commencement of website begins on the date when the first invoice is sent) unless otherwise stated in this agreement.

14.8 Urgent Updates & Changes: Updates will usually be completed within 3 working days of when they are requested. In the case that the updates are substantial, we will advise how long the update will take. In the event that urgent updates are required (i.e. requiring less than a 48 hour turnaround), and they are not a result of an error or glitch that we have caused, the work can be charged at up to double our hourly rate.

14.9 Refunds: No refunds will be given if a client changes their mind about continuing with our services. We reserve the right to retain the upfront payment and any subsequent payments that have been made.

14.10 Advertising and Portfolio: We reserve the right to use snapshots of design pages and quotes in advertising on our website to promote our services and capabilities. We also reserve the right to place a back link on the footer of your website (i.e. Website created by Brandid Media) unless a release fee of 10% of the development cost is paid. It should be noted that these links on our website to your website has positive effects for Search Engine Optimisation.

14.11 Content: You are responsible to make sure that the content that you put up on your website does not breach any else’s copyright.

14.12 Limit on Liability: We will do everything within our expertise to avoid any disruption to services that we provide. However, we exclude all statutory liability, tortuous liability (including but not limited to liability in negligence), conditions and warranties implied by custom, the general law or statute, liability for all direct, economic, consequential or indirect losses, expenses, damages and costs incurred by you, arising out of or relating to our services, any failure to supply or delay in supplying our services or out of or relating to this agreement. Additionally, we are not responsible or liable for any indirect consequential or economic damages, including, without limitation, loss of income or profit or loss of actual potential business opportunities.

15. SEO / SEM / PPC Terms

15.1 While we will try to improve the position of your Web Site in Search Engine results in response to a search request, we do not warrant that this effort is in any way guaranteed. You acknowledge that our SEO services are focused primarily on achieving improvements in the position of your Web Site when undertaking certain key word searches using the Google Search Engine. 

15.2 You acknowledge that, unless the Agreement provides for exclusive dealing, BM may at its discretion offer SEO services to businesses in competition with you and/or businesses in the same or a similar industry as you. 

15.3 We do not guarantee, warrant or represent that a higher ranking of your Web Site in Search Engine results will result in increased traffic to your Web Site and/or increased sales. 


16.1 If the Client is a Company, the Client’s directors or employees who sign this Agreement on behalf of the Company or who attest the Seal of the Company on the Agreement:

16.2 Jointly and separately guarantee all of the Client’s obligations under this Agreement, including the payment terms; and

16.3 Jointly and separately indemnify Us in respect of any default by the Client under this Agreement.

16.4 This guarantee and indemnity is given by each guarantor as principal and is not Discharged or released by any release or variation of this Agreement between the Client and Us.

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